

Meditation, inner wisdom, energy

Larimar is one of the rarest semi-precious stones in the world, as there is only one site in the Caribbean where this stone can be found. Larimar is a stone of divine femininity and is also called the "Dolphin Stone," or the pearl of the Caribbean. It is a stone of meditation, of inner peace, it brings light to the soul and thus allows the wearer to heal both physically and emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It helps us gain an overview of things, distance from problems to help us offer the best solutions.

It is recognized by healers as a very effective and powerful stone. Larimar is a great helper for people who are stressed. It stimulates the chakras of the heart, the third eye and the crown chakra. It makes it easier for people to find inner wisdom and Its energy represents clarity, the energy of healing and the energy of love. It helps us break down barriers and soothes emotions.


Untitled Session2781 2
Untitled Session2787
Untitled Session2786
Bracelet Larimar - dark grey cord
mom naramek pro maminky 1
Untitled Session2787
Untitled Session2786
Bracelet Larimar - dark grey cord
mom naramek pro maminky 1
5 items total