About us

My story and, in fact, OUR story at SPIRIT BEADS began less than 8 years ago on the Indonesian island of Bali, which for many reasons is considered a mystical place, an island of the Gods. One day, thanks to my then boyfriend, and now husband, we found ourselves there and "it happened". I was a graduate in economics, who had worked for a large corporate company for 9 years, I stood at a crossroads. Should I continue on the lined path and accept the certainties offered by a stable job and a secure salary, or try to be myself but enter into uncertainty. Reason and desire stood opposite each other. There was an inner whisper and a difficult decision. I am incredibly grateful that I gave it a try and SPIRIT BEADS are an integral part of my life today.
My name is Jarmila Vančurová, I am 37 years old and every day I can do a job, which is fun and makes me happy, thanks to you
Po necelém roce fungování SPIRIT BEADS mi život přivedl do cesty Renatu, která se stala nedílnou součástí firmy. Renata je nyní vedoucí výroby a moje pravá ruka.